Hi, friends ^_^
I always want to try to make a pair of fabric covered button earring. They are cute and simple. You can mix and match with your wardrobe.
This is the result.
(Sorry for the blurry photo)
Gather all the material:
I'm using the tool from Daiso. Very cheap, for S$2 you will get the tools, the circle pattern and 15 metal buttons, the finish button will measure 22mm. A strong glue, i'm using E6000. Erasable laundry marker, to draw the circle to your fabric. 2 Scrap fabrics. 2.5cm Circle plate and 2 ear hooks (i don't have flat back ear studs, if you have, you can use them). Another tips: you may want to use circle plate bigger in diameter than your finish button. My button finish at 22mm, therefore i'm using 2.5cm circle plate. And last is scissor to cut out the patterns.
I took out the package. Inside there is 1 button mold with clear color. 1 Red pusher. 1 Card circle template. And 15 metal buttons plus their loop buttons back.
1st: With round-nose plier, carefully take out the button loop. We need a flat back. If your button already have flat back, kindly skip this step.
2nd: With the circle template traced it onto your scrap fabric with erasable laundry marker. Then cut. To make a pair of earring, you will need 2 circles.
(Again, sorry for the blurry photo)
3rd: Push fabric to button mold. The printed side should be face down on top of button mold. Then place button upside down on top of fabric circle.
You can see through from button mold to see if the printed place nicely like the way you want to.
4th: Place the red pusher on top of fabric and button. Push until you hear "click" sound.
Gently release the fabric button from the mold. Almost done.
5th: Using a cotton bud or toothpick spread thin layer of E6000 glue (or you can use any type of strong glue). And place button on top of the earring plate (or again if you have flat back ear studs). Let the glue dry. You are finish.
I like the result, and i think i will make more. Hope you enjoy.
Feel free to give comments for my tutorials. I's love to receive more info and knowledge.
Let's Make Them.