Journey To The Crafty World

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Vintage Butterfly Sewing Machine

Hi, my lovely friends,

Happy Monday!!! I hope you have a great weekend (i did). 

I want to share with you my vintage sewing machine. Hmm, i can't claimed this machine as mine, cause it's not (too bad). My mom have the exact same type on this sewing machine. The different only my mom's has a motor attached below the turning wheel. But, unfortunately my mom's spoiled. Due to lack of care :'( 

My mom never use it and i don't think she can even sewed. She used to managed a garment production in our home back then. I remember saw quite a few of sewing machines and butterfly sewing machine was one of them.

The sewing machine below belonged to my hubby's aunt. It doesn't have a motor. It used manual foot pedal. What amazed me that this machine still can works!! Despite her 20 years of age. The machine comes with the stand and table. But, we can't bring the stand and table back to SG (too big and bulky) so we can only bring back the machine. My hubby's grandma really take a good care of this machines. Not only this machine, also her almost century old vintage singer sewing machine. She was a seamstress. A very good seamstress. Love her so much.

The bobbin tucked underneath the presser foot.

Actually is quite hard and a bit tiring if you use your other hand to manually turning the wheel while you're sew. Therefore i bought a set of new motor. Similar to my mom's, only hers was black colour. I bought the motor from Freddy Sewing Machine for S$68. The motor made from Taiwan. Uncle Freddy is a nice guy. He can teach you knowledge about sewing machine. He also provide sewing machine service. And don't forget he sells/buy old & new sewing machines. 

I ask my hubby a little help to install the motor and Ta-da my baby feel brand new again.

Thank you for visiting my blog ^_^ 

I will see you again next week.

Let's Make Them.

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