Hi my lovely readers,
Before we start, i wanted to say:
Before we start, i wanted to say:
"Happy Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Minal Aidin Wal Fahidzin"
Happy Holiday!!
To those who celebrate.
I am back to share my latest tutorial on making a pocket cloth diaper using an old t-shirt.
I have been practicing on making cloth diapers. Been searching so many free pattern available from the internet to try out. My favourites so far are:
- Rita rump's pocket diaper (which i already share to you on how i made my first cloth diaper using Rita's free pattern).
- Arfy's free downloaded pattern, here is the link and tutorials: http://prefold2fitted.blogspot.sg/2012/10/online-free-downloads.html
I love Arfy's free cloth diapers patterns. You will find lots of free patterns with varies sizes, types of cloth diapers (pocket, AIO, AI2, diaper covers, many more). Her patterns and tutorials are easy to follow. Even for beginners like me. So don't hesitate to check her blog ;)
For this week's tutorial, i will using 1 of the Arfy's free pattern called OS Squaretab AI2 Template. I tried to copy the link of the patterns, but does not seems to find it anymore. However, no worries, you can search from many free patterns available on her blog. It's Free!!!
Let's gather our materials:
- An old t-shirt, preferable size: XL, the bigger the better. But since i don't have and mine was a S size t-shirt, so let's try it out then :)
- The template from Arfy's website. Print, cut and join as per instruction.
- Any wicking fabric. I am using my fleece.
- Water resistant fabric. It is very hard to find PUL type of fabrics here in Singapore. Mostly you need to order from oversees and quite costly due to the shipping cost. I was happy enough to find a water resistant fabric from a shop in people's park complex, Lye Nai Shiong. It cost about $3/yard and it is imported from Japan. The material feels like the one they use to make umbrellas. We tested the fabric by pouring a glass of water and amazing, it retains the water from dripping.
- Sewing supplies: scissor, non-permanent marker, taylor's chalk, pins, matching thread.
- Velcro or plastic snaps.
- Elastic.
- Fabric glue (optional).
The tutorial is quite long as i try to take as many as i can for the step by step pictures. I also did some modification on the pattern.
Bear with me and let's get started ;)
This is my old t-shirt that i am going to turn into a cloth diaper.
I bought at Kota Kinabalu many moons ago during vacation.
It's size S (now, hardly fit me).
You can see why i can't wear this t-shirt anymore. Got lots of stains. I tried to remove the stains using bleach, but failed. Although i only wear it once :(
Trace the pattern onto the t-shirt. Make sure the orang utan pattern is going to the right direction where you wanted it to be seen. Mine was at the back.
Once, you are happy then cut.
Oups, sorry you can see my baby bump ;)
This how the t-shirt look like after cutting.
I fold it to make sure the orang utan pattern is in the right direction: At the back.
Attach soft side of the velcro. You can use any colours you like or matching with the colours of the t-shirt. The length was up to you. Then sew slowly. The t-shirt fabric tends to stretch while you sew.
I decided to use plastic snaps for the diaper's rise, because the pattern is for universal size, so i want the cloth to be fitted for newborn to toddler.
I made my own snaps placement. But, most Arfy's patterns already included the snaps placement.
I use the scrap water resistant fabric to cover the snaps. And attach the fabric using little bit of fabric glue.
Sorry, i have not included tutorial on how to attach the snaps. However, you can search from the internet or youtube. It's not that hard.
Okay, continue on making overlap flap pocket for the inside a.k.a the poop catcher ;))
Cut the wicking fabric for the shorter flap. This is where i modify the pattern. Actually, Arfy also have a pattern, which have overlap flap style cloth diaper for the inside. But, i find this pattern is more simple and easy to follow.
I extended the height of the height about 1.5-2 cm for easy folding. You can see my marking on the picture.
Extending 1.5-2cm.
You will need to do the same with the other flap.
Extending 1.5-2 cm.
I wanted the shorter flap to be lined with water resistant fabric.
I only extend the height about 1cm.
I prefer using less pins to the water resistant fabric, therefore a fabric glue will comes in handy.
I only apply tiny dots in few areas only.
Fold 2x from the extra 1.5-2cm of the fleece and use clips to hold them in place.
I use 3 steps zig zag stitch. This is the setting i often use. You can use normal zig zag stitch and even straight stitch.
I use the left side of my foot as the guide line. Then sew slowly.
Try not to pull or stretch when sewing the fleece, otherwise it will stretch like crazy. Just slowly guide and feed the fabric to the foot then stitch.
Do the same with the other flap.
Ta-da!!! Both flaps are finish.
Let's overlap them. The water resistant will be on the inside.
We need to stitch the overlap part together, so they will not shift or stretch like crazy.
Short stitches will do.
Okay, all fabrics are done and ready to be sew together.
Stack them: pocket fleece right side up - t-shirt wrong side up - water resistant (does not matter which side) Then pin or clip together.
I use mini pins at the edge of the seams to hold the water resistant fabric attached to the t-shirt. Because it can be quite slippery when sew. Remember to leave minimum 10cm opening. I leave an opening at the front of the diaper. Because we will sew the elastic at the waist part later on.
Sew slowly and try not to pull the fabric so often. I use the edge of my presser foot as the guide. Pay attention on the curve. It can be bulky on the overlap pocket, so sewing slowly is the best solution.
Try to flip all inside out to check everything are in order.
The overlap pocket.
Poop catcher ;)
Alright, everything look okay. Now, time to attach the elastics to both legs and waist.
Arfy's pattern already have the elastic placement markings. I marked them with non permanent marker.
Mark 2 Xs at the elastic. I usually leave few mm extra.
Fold the elastic matching the 2 Xs.
Mark the X. You will need to start stitch from the first X to the new X (the middle).
Do the same for the other leg and the waist.
At the end you will have 3 pieces of elastics: 2 for both legs and 1 for waist.
I use normal zig zag stitch.
You may want to try the setting first with fabric scraps. The width and length of the zig zag stitch must fits the elastic. can't be too wide or to long.
Important: You will have to stitch inside the seams. Therefore the width of the elastics your will be using can't be wider than your seams.
Now, you are going to need to use both of your hands (i asked hubby for taking pictures). Use your left hand hold the fabric behind presser foot, while your right hand must pull taut the elastic. You must do this until your reach the end of the X marking on the fabric. If you don't pull the elastic and holding the fabric, the needle will snap/break.
Sew slowly, take your time.
Let's start!! Just slowly.
The fabric will start to puckered. This is how we want ;) keep holding the fabric and pull the elastic taut.
Once you have reached the end of the X marking, do few back and fort stitch to secured the elastic. Cut any excess elastic.
Do the same to the other leg and the waist. Once done, you will have something look like this.
Snips all corners and trim away any bulks. Then flip all inside out. Time to do top stitching.
Before we start the top stitching, let us mark where the elastic start and end. Find the starter and the end with your finger, then mark. This is to create casings for the elastic. You will make 3 casings: 2 for both legs and 1 for waist.
I marked them with non permanent marker. Do the same with the 2 legs. Mark the start and the end.
Alright, do the top stitching. Close up the 10cm opening made earlier. Now, once you reach where the elastic start. Mine is the right leg part, put your needle down, lift up your presser foot...
Pivot down...
Bring down your presser foot then stitch about 1-1.5cm downward, depending how wide your elastic (the casing must be wider than your elastic ya). For example my elastic is about 0.7cm, so my top stitching will measure 1.2cm. You can draw straight line with non permanent marker before stitching. Or if not just eye ball it using your stitch guide.
This step also important. When sewing the elastic casing, you will have to pull the fabric straight. Otherwise the ruffled/gathered/puckered will not happening.
As usual, just sew slowly.
Now, we have reach the end of the elastic's mark. Do the same again by bring your needle down, lift up the presser foot then pivot up. Stitch upward 1-1.5cm. Then continue to top stitching closer to the edge. Do the same steps once you reach the start and end of the other elastics.
Almost done!!!! Do not worry if the stitching a bit messy. This is for diapering anyway ;)
Back view.
I tested the front snaps.
Now, time to attach the velcro to the both wings.
I just eyeball them for the position. I prefer to attached the velcro at the last step of sewing, because fabric tends to moved or shifted while sewing.
Now, time to attach the velcro to the both wings.
I just eyeball them for the position. I prefer to attached the velcro at the last step of sewing, because fabric tends to moved or shifted while sewing.
Prepare 2 pieces 4cm rough side and 2 pieces 4cm soft side of the velcro.
I rounded the corners, but this is optional.
After you positioned the rough side (must match with the front soft side of the velcro with sewed earlier)...
Place the soft side velcro, give it space 3mm. That is for the laundry tab.
Then sew.
Done, done done!!!!
It's to prevent the rough side of the velcro get snatch with other clothes while washing in washing machine.
Before you put dirty cloth diaper, you need to fold the wings. Therefore, your other clothes inside washing machine will be safe from the rough side velcro (and you don't want that to happen. It will ruin your clothes).
That's it!!! Please give a round up applause for yourself :) you have just finish making a cute and one of a kind cloth diaper.
I hope you enjoy reading my tutorial.
See you on my next post!!!
Let's Make Them.